Saturday, January 12, 2013

Parrot and Apple

10 x 8 Oil on Linen Panel

This is my personal birdie, Sambuca.  She's quite photogenic, and although I'm sure these birds are as common as our pigeons, in the Congo, I think she's exceptional.  And beautiful, so of course it's been my intention to paint her.  I adopted her when she was 6, and she's been with me for 8 years, so she's a teenager going on two. Bird people will know what I mean.


  1. Now Sambuca will live forever in this beautiful painting. Is that red I see on her wings? Wow... I bet the effect is quite stunning. You have painted her with lots of emotion. This is quite wonderful.

  2. Looks as though Sambuca is having lively conversation with the red apple! A great painting with personality to spare!

  3. Oh so cute. What a small world. I have an African Grey with a very large vocabulary. You did amazing job on this. Love it.

  4. A beautiful painting of a beautiful African Grey. I had one in college. His name was Garp. All was going well until I met this girl named Karen. I left for a week one time, with Karen in charge of Garp and vice versa. Garp was on the bed with Karen. He ran up the bed, jumped on her chest and bit a hole through Karen's nose. I came home and one of them had to go.

  5. nicely done bird. thank you and gros bisous on you
